Tag: Don Videtich

Pre-Funded Retiree Medical Contributions – Letter from Don Videtich, 9-4-2012 to Local Presidents

Unfortunately we have had an issue with misinformation being disseminated to the membership and I have been receiving calls. The newly ratified TWU/AA agreements, approval of which is scheduled for hearing before the Bankruptcy Court next week, provides that TWU Members who are participants in the prefunding program will receive their own contributions plus investment…

M&R Early Out letter – August 29, 2012

As most of you know we are looking at September 12, 2012 as the date our M&R and Stores agreements are approved by the court.  We have been waiting for the Company to finalize their ‘transition’ plan – so we can identify the actual timeline for the movement of work to TUL and DWH and…

Stores Early Out Letter from the ATD – August 29, 2012

As most of you know we are looking at September 12, 2012 as the date our M&R and Stores agreements are approved by the court.  We have been waiting for the Company to finalize their ‘transition’ plan – so we can identify the actual timeline for the movement of work to TUL and DWH and…

AA M&R and Stores Membership Dear Brothers and Sisters – August 3, 2012

These are extraordinarily difficult and unprecedented times for TWU/AA members. Never before has organized labor on the property at American Airlines been in such a challenging position. We are currently facing the the threat of abrogation of our contract in bankruptcy court, as well as possible mergers, acquisition, or other corporate transactions involving the carrier.…