Tag: Labor

Labor Day in Henryetta, Monday, September 3rd at 10:00 a.m.

The Henryetta Labor Day Parade kicks off on Monday, September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. from the corner of 10th & Main. Click here for a list of other activities in Henryetta, Oklahoma’s oldest and largest Labor Day celebration. Donations are being asked for in order to help fund the High School Band Competition. Donations can…

Federal Labor Relations Statutes: An Overview

  Summary Since 1926, Congress has enacted three major laws that govern labor-management relations for private sector and federal employees. An issue for Congress is the effect of these laws on employers, workers, and the nation’s economy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that, nationwide, 14.8 million employees are union members. In the 112th Congress…

TTD Joins ALPA and European Pilots to Counter Latest Norwegian Air Tactics

SOURCE: http://www.ttd.org/tag/norwegian-air-shuttle/ Multinational corporations are increasingly contracting out what used to be family-wage company jobs to staffing companies to avoid unionization and gain a competitive advantage by paying substandard wages and benefits. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Air Line Pilots Association and other aviation unions are calling attention to an international airline’s scheme to do…