Tag: Negotiations

TWU Bargaining Training: AA Locals Work Together as the Union Prepares for Contract Negotiations

 This week, TWU’s American Airlines local presidents are engaged in a rigorous, first-of-its-kind contract negotiations training course. This training, which began on Sunday, spans the entire week and is part of the union’s coordinated strategy in preparation for upcoming contract negotiations with the airline. Right now, the TWU/IAM Association is waiting on the National Mediation…

Meetings to begin in February to solidify contract language.

The TWU International is putting together a meeting of all local presidents this February. The intent of this gathering is to bring together all the contract language that is so important to this membership. All locals have been working on their local’s wish lists and have been sending them to TWU International AA Representative, David Virella.…

US Airways Negotiation Update – May 22, 2014

IAM representatives met with US Airways management and Linda Puchala, Chair of the National Mediation Board over the past 3 days trying to resolve the contract proposals that must be addressed in order to reach a tentative agreement on behalf of all IAM US Airways members. The main focus of the discussions was our demand…

514 – What’s on the plate

Stand in Stead Deadline is March 10, 2014 Read more HERE Equity Distribution As this process goes, AA determines the “when and if” of the distributions. The only statement that seemed official is that the final distribution will be on the 120th day. The last distributions were posted by AA the week of the distribution.…

IAM & US Airways – Negotiation Update: NMB MEETING SCHEDULED

The National Mediation Board (NMB) has scheduled meetings between the principal  representatives in the US Airways – IAM negotiations. The meetings are set for March 18 and 19, 2014 at the offices of the NMB in Washington, DC. While preparations continue for a proffer of arbitration, rejection of that proffer and the establishment of a…

TWU Applauds Pilots Agreement with American Airlines

Leaders of the Transport Workers Union (TWU), representing more than 26,000 workers at American Airlines, applauded today the agreement in principle reached by members of the Allied Pilots Association (APA) and AMR, the airline’s parent company. “It’s good news for American, its employees and its customers that APA members are moving towards reaching consensual agreements,…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for June 11, 2012

This morning,(June 11, 2012) TWU Negotiators and International Representatives representing Maintenance and Related and Stores members, met in New York City for mediated sessions with the company. Judge James Peck, another bankruptcy judge, was asked to oversee these voluntary negotiations by presiding bankruptcy Judge Sean H. Lane. Judge Peck ordered the mediated talks to be…