Tag: prefunding

Clarification on Retiree Medical

With respect to the question below, I just want to make sure everyone is clear that if a TWU represented employees enrolls in retiree medical prior to 11/1/2012, they will be in the prefunding retiree medical plan, which means they will not automatically get the employee contributions or the company match, since that will be subject to…

Do Not End Your Prefunding

Please DO NOT END your Prefunding contributions right now. If you end your contributions, then the court rules in the 1114 process that members are entitled to a company match, you will NOT be entitled to the company match. So it is very important to stay in the Prefunding program until it ends. When the…


The prefunding for Maintenance & Related and Stores are still in effect at this time. The indication from the company is that prefunding will cease near the end of the year or possibly earlier. This means that if you were to retire this year, you are entitled to retiree medical until the program is terminated.…

Employee Prefunding Balance – Available on Jetnet

(Link to Jetnet Page) Employee Prefunding Balance Your employee prefunding balance is $x,xxx.xx as of March 31, 2012, and includes investment earnings through this date, this does not include Company contributions.  Review the information below for additional information.   Prefunding Today, TWU-represented employees at American Airlines contribute an amount each pay period to a trust…