Teamsters Promise…


Teamsters Keep Promising They Will Get
What the TWU Has Already Negotiated For You

The Teamsters claim…
They will get you the 4.8% equity stake that is exclusively controlled by the TWU to distribute to the groups we represent.  To the contrary, the TWU will never allow the Teamsters to determine how our 4.8% will be distributed to the membership. Our union and our members will make these decisions.

The Teamsters claim…
They will stop outsourcing, but the TWU contract at American Airlines has the strongest restrictions on outsourcing in the industry. The Teamsters have no credibility on this issue because they have failed to negotiate protections in their own contracts that are as strong as the TWU’s.

Don’t play the IBT shell game.
Why pay IBT higher dues so they can try to get
what we already have from the TWU.


I Don’t Want to be IBT