Tell Energy Secretary Chu: Don’t Spend Stimulus Dollars to Send Green Jobs Overseas.


Could tax dollars be headed to China to support clean energy jobs there?  It’s possible.  A massive 36,000-acre West Texas wind farm development announced last week will rely solely on wind turbines manufactured in China–wind turbines that could have been made right here. The developer will be seeking federal tax credits and support from the Stimulus package.  We believe tax dollars designed to stimulate the economy should stay at home.  That’s why we fired off a letter to President Obama urging him to invest in our domestic clean energy sector, rather than shipping those tax dollars and jobs offshore.

Our allies at the Campaign for America’s Future are joining us in calling on the Administration to invest in our own clean energy economy.  You can click here to join the cause (at no cost) and send an urgent email to the Administration.  Send a message to reject any request for tax dollars unless the high-value components (including wind turbines) are manufactured in the U.S.

Let’s work together to keep America strong.

Scott Paul
Executive Director