TWU Local 514 Bylaws Change as of September 1, 2010

Election board nominations and elections will not be done in October due to the most recent bylaws changes. The new changes took effect on Sept.1 2010 and completed a motion made by Sam Cirri and seconded by Greg Sewell and voted on by the membership.

Article VIII – Elections

(a) Commencing in 2011, the Election Board consisting of five members shall be elected at the regular membership meeting in February of every third year (following the regular officers elections). In order to be eligible for nomination and election to the Election Board a member must be in good standing and have attended at least three (3) regular membership meetings during the previous twelve (12) months. Replacement to any vacancy on the Election Board shall be by appointing the alternate, in order of the votes they received at the time of election.

You can find the most current copy of the bylaws by signing into TWU Local 514’s website and looking under documents.