Worker’s Rights are Human Rights Campaign

This moment has heightened our awareness and sense of urgency. It has captured our attention and brought renewed energy, motivation and a shared sense of commitment to fight back.

All TWU members must seize this moment filled with motivation and readiness to benefit from conducting a common effort around a common campaign to make sure that form this day forward, all over the country and around the world, Workers’ Rights are Human Rights!

The TWU Workers’ Rights are Human Rights Campaign is the priority focus for our union for the foreseeable future.

As the media changes focus from workers in Madison Wisconsin to the earthquake in Japan and the uprising in the middle east to Libya; we must keep Worker Rights at the fore front of our priorities.

Workers’ rights to organize and bargain collectively are under attack all over the country, particularly in states where newly anti-union governors and legislatures are in power. The right to collective bargaining is the essence of democracy in the workplace. It is a process that is supposed to work in both good and bad times. The right to form Unions and bargain collectively is the single most contributor to creating a solid middle class that made the USA the great country it is.


Therefore, on Monday, 4 April 2011, we ask all TWU local 514 members to wear their new union shirt weather you are at work, on your day off or on vacation, wear your union colors.


If possible, sign up for the WE ARE ONE rally as posted on the union boards and printed in the previous Informer. If you are not in Oklahoma then participate in your local area We Are One Rally; you can sign up online at