Day: January 14, 2010

TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Negotiations Update 1-14-10

PDF Version The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee represents Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Overhaul Support Mechanics, Aircraft Cleaners, Parts Washers in Title I, also Plant Maintenance Mechanics, Plant Maintenance Man, Utility Man, Building Cleaners, Cabin Cleaners in Title II 1-888-4TWUUpdate              1-888-489-8873 The M&R Negotiations sub-committee met in Dallas the week of Jan 11th -14th. On Tuesday…

Help TWU Send Aid to Haiti

The people in Haiti and their families here in the United States and around the world need our help. Tuesday’s 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti has brought the country to its knees and left it reeling for any and all kind of aid. TWU International President James C. little established the TWU Disaster Relief Fund to…