Day: September 8, 2010

American Airlines Issues RIF Notices

On September 3, 2010, American Airlines gave out 250 letters of Reduction in Force to Union members across four cities in Title Groups I, II and V. The cities affected are: Kansas City, San Francisco, Detroit and Minneapolis-St Paul.

Tulsa Maintenance Base Guidelines

To all Members and Shop Stewards who have printed copies of the Tulsa Maintenance Base Guidelines: There are new changes to the Shift Rotation Guidelines which were presented to the membership and voted on at the August membership meeting. The new Shift Rotation Guidelines are: “Normal rotation shall be defined as midnight to afternoons to…

Future of Aviation Advisory Committee (FAAC)

The FAAC is a committee established by Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation. He has established this Federal advisory committee to provide the kind of critical and innovative thinking that will help to move our industry forward. Last November, he invited interested participants including aviation analysts and academics, representatives of airlines, airports, labor, manufactures, general aviation…