Day: September 16, 2010

Contractually Speaking: Article 28(g)

Each employee will have a right to meet with his supervisor at a mutually agreeable time to discuss his performance and to review his personnel file. At that time the supervisor and the employee will review the personnel file to ensure that the provisions of this Article have been complied with. Should the supervisor and…

Q & A

Q. Why are there people in full time positions at the hall who were either voted out or not elected, Jenni proctor,Terry Lesperance? – Randy Palmer, Hanger 2-B Crew Chief A. The Transport Workers Union, rightfully so, has the ability to elect all of its members from the floor whom they want to represent them.…

Maintenance Control Technicians Update

By Jason Best, MCT Chairman As most of you are now aware, we, in the Maintenance Control Technician group (formerly Technical Specialists), have voted on and passed our Tentative Agreement. The effective date was Aug. 26, 2010, retro to May 5, 2010. At this time our contract has some parts that go into effect immediately,…