Day: October 26, 2010

Important Deadlines

Benefits Enrollment Ends October 31: You cant wait any longer. The changes to the AA benefits are major this year. Complete your enrollment and print of your final selection. The printed document of benefits may save you a lot of head aches next year. Get Secure Flight Ready – What Do I Do? Verify that…

RO Committee

By Gary Kelley The RO (Repair Outside) Committee is a committee established by the TWU International under the guidelines of the TWU/AA Contract. The Committee’s purpose is the prevention and oversight of outsourced work to vendors and outside contractors. It consists of ATD-RO Chairman Gary Kelley, Local 514 Base RO Chairman Joe McGill, RO Title…


Our members have asked that we keep them updated on American made union products. This is a brief list of Union made beers to be followed up by other union products as we gather the Information. You can also go to. Union Plus is brought to you by Union Privilege, established by the AFL-CIO…