Day: November 23, 2010

Recalls, Reassignments, and Upgrades

As of November 22, the last 9 parts washers have been recalled, therefor the Aircraft Cleaners and Part Washers have no recall list and will utilize the 12m upgrade list and others who have been laid off to fill any opening which may come about. If you know anyone who has been laid off and…


(c) The Company will continue to assign American Airlines TWU represented employees in classifications designated by the Company to all stations wherein such TWU represented Fleet Service employees are assigned currently with 2555 and above annual departures or 1460 for Ground Service employees and will staff new cities (those not currently staffed by the TWU)…

Union Plus Scholarship Applications Now Available

Application deadline Jan. 31, 2011, for $150,000 in awards Applications are available for the 2011 Union Plus Scholarship Program, which provides $150,000 in scholarships to union members, their spouses and dependents. Unlike the Michael J. Quill Scholarship you do not have to be a graduating High School Senior to qualify for this program. Union members,…