Month: February 2011

Protest Against American Airlines Corporate Greed

As passengers got out of cabs and shuttle buses at Terminal D they were met with a boisterous crowd carrying picket signs and chanting through blaring bullhorns. Hundreds of TWU members, alongside fellow union flight attendants and pilots and retired NFL players with the NFL Players Association, rallied to seize upon the national attention brought…

Teamsters , TWU Labor Alliance Applauds PBS FRONTLINE REPORT

(WASHINGTON) – Today, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Airline Division and Transport Workers Union (TWU) commended PBS “Frontline” on its investigative report into airline maintenance. The two unions also stated that much remains to be addressed to ensure the safety of the traveling public. The report brought to light the increasing use by U.S. airlines of maintenance,…

Transportation Emergency – February 3, 2011 – UPDATE From 09:00

From AA: While conditions remain hazardous in some areas, many of the main roads are clear.  We recognize that our employees face varied conditions in their neighborhoods, so we expect you to exercise good judgment and drive safely.  You might recognize that our food and beverage vendors have not resupplied, so you would likely want…

Carrying on Dr. King’s Struggle for Justice and Equality

[youtube OWO2IqjCil0] That very vision brought together nearly 500 union activists, including TWU members from around the country, in Cincinnati for the annual AFL-CIO Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Observance on Jan. 13-17. At a time when Dr. Kings’s dream is being threatened by high unemployment, rising inequality and an attack on workers, the Dr.…

Transfers and Recalls

Sam Cirri and Mike McDonald have taken issues with this transfer freeze and gotten the Company to agree to post the current openings at the Tulsa Base to fill “A” vacancies prior to assigning the recalls and reassignments. This will allow those that are eligible to put in transfers to openings in the Composite Repair…