Month: September 2011

Ref: B737 B-check – DFW

Kenneth M. Durst Vice President Line Maintenance Maintenance and Engineering September 30, 2011 To: Line Maintenance Employees Ref: B737 B-check – DFW One of the most difficult challenges we face in Line Maintenance is the constant shifting of resources to meet non-scheduled maintenance, such as our MELs. We have examined ways to meet this challenge…

Short Notice Welcome Home-1/23 Marine Det,Tulsa,OK 1 Oct 11

The  Marine Corps League has invited the Patriot Guard Riders to Welcome Home the 1/23 Marine Det from their tour of duty ! Let’s all roll out and support the Marine Corps League in welcoming these Hero’s home!! We will do flag line at the airport and may escort to New NOSC in Broken Arrow. Date: Saturday October 1st, 2011 STAGING:…

Contractually Speaking

Let’s welcome all the new TWU members aboard. It has been along time coming for American to start replacing all the members lost through attrition for the last 8 years. For the new members, it is the responsibility of American Airlines to provide each employee with a pocket-size copy of the TWU/AA Agreement under Article…

NEW TWU BENEFITS and American Airlines Open Enrollment

There are several new insurance benefits that will be offered through the TWU. There will also be an open enrollment for some TWU benefits that are already in place. First, there are five (5) brand new insurance policies that have some form of guaranteed issue, which are: Lincoln Term Life, Lincoln Accident Insurances, Aflac Critical…


These cases have been reviewed by OSHA, and given to the Labor attorney for review and negotiation. The cases are quite detailed, so all the particulars are not listed here, only the highlighted results. Detailed specifics of all case reports are available in the TWU 514 safety office and are available for review. • Complaint…

TWU Local 514 Games for the Tulsa Oilers 2011-12 Season

  Friday, October 28, 2011 Saturday, November 12, 2011 Friday, November 25, 2011 Friday, December 9, 2011 Tuesday, December 27, 2011 Saturday, January 14, 2012 Saturday, January 29, 2012 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Saturday, March 3, 2012 Sunday March 18, 2012 Friday, March 23, 2012 Sunday, March 25, 2012 Tulsa vs Wichita Tulsa vs Quad…

Regular Membership Meeting

Monday, September 26, 2011 7:15 AM | 11:45 AM | 3:45 PM | 11:30 PM TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street Agenda: 1. Regular Order of Business 2. Discussion and Vote on providing a container for non-perishable items for distribution in case of a strike. 3. Discussion and Vote on donating money to the Blue Star Mothers…


By John Hewitt Chairman Maintenance September 15, 2011 Nobody in Tulsa could have anticipated the lasting impact the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had on the airline industry and many other aspects of our world. But in the years following those events the top management at American Airlines has made uninformed, knee-jerk decisions without fully considering…

American Airlines Open Enrollment and NEW TWU Benefits

On Wednesday TWU, Local 514 Benefits Committee reported out that the medical preferred provider for Oklahoma will change to United Health Care. The only increases in cost will be to the Values Plus Plan and to Community Care HMO. The Pacificare of Oklahoma HMO will not be offered as an option for the 2012 plan…

Golden Wings Update

It has been brought to our attention by the Retiree President Earl Tillery that the TWU supplemental retiree medical policy called Golden Wings is now dropping all retirees under age 65 and is strictly a medicare supplemental insurance. TWU International is currently looking into this issue for a resolution and we will put out an update as the information…