Month: February 2012

WARN Letter

We have received many questions about the WARN letter and whether each individual will receive one. When workers are represented by the Union, the President of the Union will receive the letter on behalf of it’s membership. Then it is up to that leader when and how to notify the membership. This information can be…

Why Unions are in Politics…

US Congressmen, Senators, and Oklahoma Governors often decide issues by a vote that affect our daily lives, i.e., labor contracts, they can freeze wages and do away with medical insurance for example: An emergency rule that eliminates birth as a qualifying event for individual health insurance coverage was approved by Republican Gov. Mary Fallin this…

Q and A from the TWU informational website concerning the AA Bankruptcy

These are the questions that have been added to the TWU informational site concerning the AA Bankruptcy.. since my last emailing of the Q&A, This starts at question 72. You can always visit the site for all the detailed information. Take Care, Allan Ball TWU514 IT/Communications _______________________________   How does our failed T/A compare (wages, benefits,…

Joins us, Welcome home LCPL Dillon Chapin US Marine Corp…

The family of LCPL Dillon Chapin US Marine Corps has requested us to help welcome there hero home fromAfghanistan. LCPL Chapin will be coming home for some well deserved leave. Arriving 02/21/2012, @  09:36 am flying Delta Airlines Flt, 5084 Curtis Lyons Chairman Local 514 Veterans Committee

American Airlines Pensions: Get the Facts

American Airlines has announced it wants to end the pension plans of its 130,000 workers and retirees. The company will ask the bankruptcy court to transfer its pension obligations to PBGC. Pensions are promises made to working Americans who count on them for a secure retirement. Those promises should not be broken lightly. PBGC will…

Transport Workers Union Gives AMR Early Out/Separation Proposal; Proposed $75K Incentive Payments an Alternative to Massive Layoffs During Bankruptcy

FORT WORTH – The Transport Workers Union presented plans to American Airlines management today that provide a blueprint for voluntary early out/separation as a way to avoid draconian, involuntary layoffs, while saving money for the company. On February 1, 2012, AMR management announced that it planned to reduce the company’s workforce by 9,000 from TWU-represented work…

TWU Negotiators Propose Early Out Package to AMR

Today, the TWU representing all work groups drafted a serious cost savings proposal for the company. The committee has proposed an early out package for all eligible employees in an immediate cost savings benefit for AMR. Eligibility for the package would include:   Plan A: Retirement eligible • 10 years of service and age 55…

ATD Today February 15, 2012

Labor Union to Suggest Alternatives to AMR Cost Cuts (Reuters) – The union representing seven categories of ground workers at bankrupt American Airlines will offer alternatives to some of the job cuts and concessions the company says it needs to survive, the head of the Transport Workers Union said on Tuesday.TWU has asked American’s parent…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 14, 2012

DFW Airport Labor Solidarity Rally Monday and Tuesday the TWU Negotiating Team hunkered down at Flagship University continuing their careful evaluation of AMRs financial spread sheets, and drafting their “ask” for specific documents needed for review – the company is obligated to produce these for the TWU negotiators. Additionally, some work groups attended company presentations…