Month: June 2012

Kevin Scott Toolbox… Have you seen it?

We Need a Little Help Kevin Scott, a member with Local 514, has recently passed away. His family is wanting his toolbox returned to them, however the location of the box was never revealed to his family before his passing. We would appreciate any help you can give on the location of his toolbox. From…

TWU Blood Drive

APU Shop – May 29th from 7 AM to 11 AM Wheel and Break Shop – June 6th from 7 AM to 11 AM The Main Base June 7th…………………………8AM to 2PM June 8th………………………… 8AM to 2PM June 11th………………………. 8PM to 2AM June 12th………………………. 8PM to 2AM June 13th………………………. noon to 7PM June 14th………………………. 8AM to…

Today’s Jobs Report Doesn’t Tell the Real Story

The May jobs figures released today are disappointing for millions of unemployed Americans. Lawmakers in Washington must stop stonewalling jobs creating initiatives and then pointing fingers at the President for not doing enough to create jobs. For too long Washington gridlock has strangled our economy as too many lawmakers have pushed partisan agendas at the…

What’s Your Favorite Made-in-America Item?

From the AFL-CIO Website: Next month, in the days leading up to the July 4 holiday, we are running a Made In America series—including blogs, videos and Web features—to celebrate the contributions of U.S. workers to our economy and to highlight how Congress and policymakers can ensure the nation maximizes its greatest resource—America’s working people.…

Drowning happens quickly: Learn how to reduce your risk

Drowning ranks fifth among the leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States and is second only to birth defects as the leading killer of children between one and four years of age. About ten people die every day from unintentional drowning. Of these, two are children 14 or younger. Most drowning deaths…