Month: July 2012

Tentative Agreement Myths

  The Bankruptcy Judge can modify the Company’s “Ask” — which is the final proposal the Company made to the Union back in March before the hearings on its Section 1113 motion to reject our contract began – to make it fairer to the union. This is not accurate. The judge has one decision to…

Update Your Address

If you have not received a ballot this week there could be a reason. If your address is not correct with your local Union office, you need to make sure you call the Local 514 Union Hall on Pine Street and have your information corrected. The number to Local Union Hall is 918 437- 4300.…

Court Update for July 30, 2012

As you may recall, AMR filed a complaint asking the Bankruptcy Court to declare that none of AMR’s current retirees (both union and non-union) have a vested right to retiree medical benefits.  Under ERISA, the health and welfare benefits the debtors provide to current retirees are welfare benefits and that these welfare benefits only vest…

Early Out Letter for Fleet Service – Employees interested in the SIS will be able to sign up starting July 23, 2012

This letter will confirm our understanding relative to the implementation of the Early Out Letter of agreement contained within the recently ratified AA/TWU Fleet Service agreement. As you know, in accordance with the “Me,too” provision, the Company cannot implement the new terms and conditions of the restructured agreement until such time consensual ratified agreements have…


  US Airways Enter – August 2000 Exit – September 2005 (1113c Agreement) United Airline Enter – December 2002 Exit – January 2006 (1113c Agreement) Northwest Airlines Enter – September 2005 Exit – May 2007 (Strike Settlement)  American Airlines Enter – November 2011 Exit – ???(Tentative Agreement) 1. Contract Duration 7 yrs. 6 mos. 7/1/02…

The TWU-ATD mailed out the Voting Instructions last Friday

The TWU-ATD mailing will contain your Activation Code. We should be seeing them in the mail soon. I have appended the following voting information that came from the website.  TA Voting Instructions To vote, follow the instructions below. You may vote as many times as you like, using either the telephone or Internet, only your last vote will be…

Bankruptcy – Common Questions and Answers July 19, 2012

Earlier in the year we provided answers to certain questions on the bankruptcy procedure. These answers have not changed, but for the convenience of the membership we think it is helpful to reiterate the answers to the most common questions. We have also added a question and answer regarding recently negotiated arrangements for the payment…