Day: September 12, 2012

“Early Out” numbers as of September 12, 2012

All – FYI Below are the Early Out and Stand In Stead (SIS) numbers for Title I, II and V as of this morning. Starting tomorrow a breakdown for each station/title group will be on the Early Out page of jet net (the same place to go and sign up for EO). Fraternally, Don V…

Letter from Sam Cirri, President TWU 514

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today Judge Lane made his decision to place AA’s restructuring Final Last Best Offer as our Current Bargaining agreement. Since November 2011, we have all been living and working under some very stressful conditions. Today will be the Date of Signing. Any raises will be effective as of September 12, 2012.…

Court Update Sept 12, 2012

On September 12, 2012, the Bankruptcy Court approved the motion of American Airlines to authorize American to enter into the new collective bargaining agreements with the Mechanic & Related and Stores employee groups and the related Settlement Letter and Letters of Memorandum. In addition, the Bankruptcy Court approved American’s motion to authorize it to enter…