Month: September 2012

Early Out Sign Up Procedure

Go to Jetnet Across the top select Policies and Procedures. Over on the left side select People Reduction Information. At the middle of the page select TWU Represented Employees. There are several links on this screen with useful information. To sign up for the EO Option Select Who’s Offering?/ Election Form (note: The Revocation Letter…

Do Not End Your Prefunding

Please DO NOT END your Prefunding contributions right now. If you end your contributions, then the court rules in the 1114 process that members are entitled to a company match, you will NOT be entitled to the company match. So it is very important to stay in the Prefunding program until it ends. When the…

Claim Purchase Opportunity

There are members being contacted by claim purchase companies offering to buy American Airlines debt such as the claim a member filed against AA. They are independent companies asking to settle your claim for a percentage amount. They could be actually settling for 100% of your claim but only giving members pennies on the dollar.…

Help, Please!!!

Mark Loeber, TWU retiree Counselor, is trying his best to help with all appointments. He is asking all our members if you are not interested in the early out PLEASE DO NOT MAKE AN APPPOINTMENT AT THIS TIME. Please wait till after the Early Out window closes to make appointments for future retirement questions. This…

Early Out and Stand in Stead numbers as of September 13, 2012

Here are the Early Out and Stand In Stead numbers as of this morning. As I stated yesterday they should be putting a station breakdown by title group on the Early Out and Stand in Stead’s on the sign up page on jet net-probably by close of business today. Also I received a few calls…

Revised Early Out Workshops

Attention: Local 514 members Revised Early Out Workshops Monday, September 17 ………. 3:45 PM Tuesday, September 18 ………. 3:45 PM Location………………………TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street * Conducted by Mark Loeber of the Advancement Group. TWU of America, Local 514 Sam Cirri, President Note: An additional day has been added due to the overwhelming turnout at…

September 12, 2012 CBA, Implementation Schedules for MCT’s – Stores and M&R

For Stores, MCT’s and M&R: Letter from Denise Lynn, AA Senior Vice President, People – and Summary of Universal Benefits Changes (Click Here in PDF) Individual Schedules: RRC Implementation Schedule – Stores 9.12.12 in PDF RRC Implementation Schedule – MCT 9.12.12 in PDF RRC Implementation Schedule – MR 9.12.12 in PDF RRC Implementation Schedule – FleetService 9.12.12…

“Early Out” numbers as of September 12, 2012

All – FYI Below are the Early Out and Stand In Stead (SIS) numbers for Title I, II and V as of this morning. Starting tomorrow a breakdown for each station/title group will be on the Early Out page of jet net (the same place to go and sign up for EO). Fraternally, Don V…

Letter from Sam Cirri, President TWU 514

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today Judge Lane made his decision to place AA’s restructuring Final Last Best Offer as our Current Bargaining agreement. Since November 2011, we have all been living and working under some very stressful conditions. Today will be the Date of Signing. Any raises will be effective as of September 12, 2012.…