Day: March 14, 2013

Letter from Little to Hoffa, March 14, 2013

Dear President Hoffa, I recently received reports from the field that one of your organizers was found forging the names of American Airlines M&R employees on IBT authorization cards.  I asked my staff to investigate this matter.  they have reported that a source inside the teamster headquarters has confirmed these allegations, and I have also…

Questions and Answers – March 14, 2013

Question: How does the 4.8% equity stake pay out? Answer: Depending on instructions from the Bankruptcy Court, a combination of stock and/or cash will be provided to the TWU for distribution to members, amongst the seven classes or crafts. Question: What makes up the 4.8% equity stake? Answer: The stake is equivalent to 4.8% of…

Serious Accident – Member, Kevin Harris

To all, If you all have not heard or been notified we had one of our brothers, Kevin Harris, who was involved in a very serious accident yesterday shortly after 5PM here in Tulsa. He was involved in a fall from an elevated height while working on a dock located outside Hanger 1B & 1C. He was transported…