Month: June 2013

Teamsters’ Hoffa Bribes to Buy Election

You’ve probably heard the serious allegations that the Teamsters forged union cards of American mechanics.  Now, Labor Notes, the independent labor news service reports that Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa’s attempted to buy votes in a union election.  Hoffa Must Pay to Publicize Bribe Attempts   April 05, 2011 / Jenny Brown After six months of investigation…

CEOs Made 273 Times What Workers Did In 2012

Wages have been stagnant or falling for American workers throughout the recovery, but their bosses’ pay has rebounded dramatically. Average CEO compensation hit $14.1 million in 2012, up more than a third from 2009, and the ratio of CEO pay to worker pay hit a staggering 272.9-to-1, according to new research from the Economic Policy…

AMR Bankruptcy Update – 1114 Process

As American Airlines moves towards an exit from bankruptcy, there is still the issue of the Retiree Medical for current retirees. AA has proposed making modifications to the Retiree Medical Plan by shifting 100% of the cost of maintaining the plan to the current retirees. On January 23, 2013, Judge Lane heard arguments in connection…

Shop Stewards Meeting – Monday, July 8, 2013

Date …………………….. Monday, July 8, 2013 Time …………………….. 7:15 AM 11:45 AM 3:45 PM Place ……………………..TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street Regular Order of Business Agenda Training Insubordination/Union Representation     Sam Cirri, President   Shop Stewards Meeting Bulletin July 8-2013

AMR- hearing on Thursday, June 27, 2013 – Bobby Gless

  Brothers & Sisters,  All individual claims that were scheduled to be heard/dismissed at tomorrow’s Omnibus hearing have been postponed (the rescheduled day has not determined yet). Only claims related to a Willie Ray Williams (20 different individual claims) are still on the docket and will be heard/dismissed. Please pass this on to any member…

AMR Bankruptcy Timeline

  Nov. 29, 2011 – AMR files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Dec. 5, 2011 – TWU earns seat on the Unsecured Creditors Committee Feb. 1, 2012 – AMR presents 1113 “ask” eliminating over 9,000 TWU positions by outsourcing jobs Feb. 13, 2012 – TWU hosts tele- phone town hall Q and A about AMR bankruptcy…

National Safety Month: Safety Starts With Me!

Our theme for 2013 is “Safety Starts With Me” because we all play a role in keeping each other safe. Check out this video of NSC staff as they share their own experiences with safety and hazard reporting! [youtube_video  id =8jQf4uouaBA]

Thunder Tickes Available…

I know that you are in the middle of elections right now, but I had something fall into my lap this week, as we internally opened up a limited amount of Thunder Half Season Packages. They are located in lower level baseline. These are bundled with Tulsa Court-side seats, so the total package details are…

IBT Raids Against TTD Affiliates

As many of you are aware, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) has increased raiding activities directed at TTD affiliates. At a time when the labor movement – and more importantly, its membership – is under constant attack in Washington, at the state and local government level and on the job, these raids are weakening…