Day: September 27, 2013

514 – What’s on the plate

TWU International Convention We have a New President: Harry Lombardo (See All Elected Here) TWU514 President, Dale Danker is appointed International VP (non staff,  non paid – position) He will be on the International Executive Board. We will have more details as to Resolutions and Representatives Soon! Membership Meeting Monday 9-30-2013 Regular Order of Business.…

Elected by acclamation by the TWU 24th Constitutional Convention delegates:

Harry Lombardo  International President  John Samuelsen  Executive Vice President Alex Garcia  Secretary-Treasurer  John Bland Administrative Vice President  Gary Maslanka Administrative Vice President  Vice Presidents: Pat Bowden, Charles Cerf, Mike Conigliaro, Dale Danker (514), Sean Doyle, Garry Drummond, Jerome Lafragola, Tom Lenane, Carl Martin, Thom McDaniel, Curtis Tate, Tony Utano, James Whalen