Month: May 2014

Firearms on Company Property- Oklahoma Self Defense Act

American Airlines, Inc. Maintenance and Engineering Center TO: TUL Base Personnel Date: August 17, 2009 Based on the changes with the Oklahoma Self Defense Act, it has become necessary for us to restate our Base Policy. The policy is clarified as follows: Employees will be required to self-disclose to security if they are carrying a firearm…

TTD Joins ALPA and European Pilots to Counter Latest Norwegian Air Tactics

SOURCE: Multinational corporations are increasingly contracting out what used to be family-wage company jobs to staffing companies to avoid unionization and gain a competitive advantage by paying substandard wages and benefits. The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Air Line Pilots Association and other aviation unions are calling attention to an international airline’s scheme to do…

US Airways Negotiation Update – May 22, 2014

IAM representatives met with US Airways management and Linda Puchala, Chair of the National Mediation Board over the past 3 days trying to resolve the contract proposals that must be addressed in order to reach a tentative agreement on behalf of all IAM US Airways members. The main focus of the discussions was our demand…

514 – What’s on the plate

TWU COPE Convention The TWU’s push in the first full day of the 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference was to educate and train TWU members to be effective lobbyists on Capitol Hill and back in their home districts. “We are working to build alliances with others with whom we have common goals,” said International President…

DAILY RECAP: 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference – DAY 1

The TWU’s push in the first full day of the 2014 Legislative and COPE Conference was to educate and train TWU members to be effective lobbyists on Capitol Hill and back in their home districts. Members heard from Ed Wytkind, President of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department, Representative Brad Schneider (D-IL), and Global Trade Watch Executive Director Lori Wallach.…

ORD RIFF Notices

ORD has an Inspection Riff going on currently. TULE has some exposure to this on the Juniority list of options. TULE has 6 OSM’s and 8 Cleaners exposed as possible bump options. David Corbit   MAY 2014 TI(INSP) RIF REDUCTION VIEW                   TITLE I REDUCTIONS   TITLE…

2014 Legislative Summary

By President Jimmy Curry The 2014 Oklahoma Legislative Session will end today.  Corporations have pretty much taken over the State Capitol, as evident by the bills that were passed this year. House Bill 2630 has passed in the house and senate and is now on the Governors’ desk.  Despite a valiant effort by many people and…

2014 MJ Quill Scholarship Winners

  2014 Winners Are: NAME  LOCAL 1. Michele Hilton 100 2. Anna Kapitam 100 3. Michael Tobin 100 4. Destiny Spruill 100 5. Madison Hofmann-Molvich 567 6. Amanda McShane 514 7. Bianca Hernandez 555 8. Amanda Cato 100 9. Danielle John 100 10 Lauren James  514 11. David Ellis  514 12. Tevin Clarke  100 13.…

TWU514’s Smoker usage

Smoker Policy We regret that we we have to establish a policy but the facts are we have had 2 smokers disappear (stolen) and recently had 1 out for 4 weeks. Therefore In order to reserve and borrow a smoker the members who are in good standing of Local 514 will make there reservation through…