Month: March 2015

From the Presidents Desk

Preparation for opening conversations with the IAM on Contract language. These meetings were held in Hurst Texas. Local 514 was represented. Negotiations Teams and Subcommittees have been chosen, see them HERE. Transfer Freeze has been extended to April 20, 2015, More on this HERE Meeting at AA HDQ on March 25 pertaining to the Surplus/RIF here…

ATTN: Critical Illness Policy Holders

Last Chance to Enroll! Enhanced, More Cost Effective Critical Illness Coverage You currently have a TWU Critical Illness plan. As an existing TWU Critical Illness policy holder, this is your chance to enroll in TWU’s newly designed and cost effective plan. Based upon the feedback from your TWU Brothers and Sisters who moved to the…

Transfer Freeze Extended to April 20, 2015

Dear Dale, On February 6, 2015 I notified you that the company is suspending attachment 12.1 according the collective bargaining agreement for movement of personnel throughout the Tulsa Maintenance Base. On February 20th the Company arranged a meeting between David Seymour, SVP Technical Operations and Dale Danker, President Local 514. During that meeting Dale had…

Crew Chief self demotion window 2015 is OPEN!

The 2015 Crew Chief Self-Demotion window opens on March 15th 2015 @0001 hours and closes on March 30th 2015 @ 2400 hour. Mar 14 1996 CC self demote letter of agreement in PDF 2015 – CC Self Demotion – Title V – March 2015-Rev-1 2015 – CC Self Demotion – Title II- March 2015 2015 – CC…

TWU Bargaining Training: AA Locals Work Together as the Union Prepares for Contract Negotiations

 This week, TWU’s American Airlines local presidents are engaged in a rigorous, first-of-its-kind contract negotiations training course. This training, which began on Sunday, spans the entire week and is part of the union’s coordinated strategy in preparation for upcoming contract negotiations with the airline. Right now, the TWU/IAM Association is waiting on the National Mediation…

29d Grievance- Article 40 (i) – Violation (401k Contribution)

In accordance with Article 29 (d) of the following AA/TWU Agreements dated September 12, 2012 between American Airlines and the Transport Workers Union covering the following contract groups: Fleet Service Employees, Aviation Maintenance Technicians and Plant Maintenance Employees, Material Logistics Specialist and Crew Chiefs, Ground School and Pilot Simulator Instructors, Flight Simulator Technicians Associate Technicians…

Shop Stewards Meeting

Shop Steward Meeting Monday, March 9, 2015 Time:  7:15 AM 11:45 AM 3:45 PM Place: TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street Agenda • Regular Order of Business March 2015 Shop Stewards Posting in PDF