Month: January 2016

2016 Michael J Quill Scholarship Applications Now Available

Applications are now being accepted for the Michael J Quill Scholarship Fund. This scholarship will offer fifteen (15) college-bound dependents of TWU members with a scholarship worth $4,800. This scholarship will be paid out, per year in the amount of $1,200 to winners who continue to be eligible over their four (4) year course. We have…

Membership Meeting – Monday, January 25, 2016

  Time …………………….. 7:15 AM – 11:45 AM – 3:45 PM – 11:30 PM Place ……………………..TWU Hall 11929 East Pine Street Agenda Nominations for Special Election – Vice President Regular Order of Business Discussion and Vote on the 2016 Welfare & Entertainment Budget Discussion and Vote on Sponsoring the Tulsa Oilers for the remainder of the…

When do we “Zero” the base maintenance overtime list?

Base Maintenance Overtime Distribution Procedure Item, (A) General, > 4. states: On the second Monday of January, every odd year, at 2359 hrs. local time, the Company will reset the hours by Occupational Seniority on the Overtime List (OTL) to zero for equalization purposes for all shops/docks or work units. In the event two or…