Day: June 29, 2018

Association, American Meet

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met with American Airlines on June 25, 26, & 27 in Washington, DC. The vast majority of these negotiating sessions were spent discussing Scope in a very detailed manner, mainly for the Maintenance and Related group. While Fleet Service Scope was discussed, it was done on a much…

DeFazio and Larsen Slam FAA for Deficient Oversight of Foreign Aircraft Repair Stations

SOURCE DeFazio and Larsen Slam FAA for Deficient Oversight of Foreign Aircraft Repair Stations FAA has ‘flagrantly disregarded’ Congressional mandates to require that foreign repair station workers be screened for drugs and alcohol Washington, D.C. – Today, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Ranking Member of the…