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Month: November 2019
Union-Made in America Thanksgiving
When you buy union, you’re supporting good jobs in American communities, jobs that provide living wages and benefits, safe working conditions, and dignity and respect for work. Look for these quality products, produced by union members, when preparing for your Thanksgiving feast. The following list comes to us from Union Label and the products are made by…
The Passing of Brother Paul Porter
Passing of Brother Kenneth Foreman
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Base Closure – 2019 both “Working” and “Not Working” Calendars
The 2019 “Show We Care Turkey Drive”
Benefiting John 3:16 Mission “Donations Will Be Accepted From November 1st. Thru November 22nd.” To donate Turkeys only “No Cash” please contact: Booker Walker @ 918-607-9113(LIC) Or Tracy Hardin @ 918-409-5962 (TWU Office) The John 3:16 Mission Director will be at the Base on November 22nd, @ 10:30AM, in front of the Admin Building to…
Association Update
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