The 8,000 TWU members who signed our DOJ petition had their voices heard loud and clear today. TWU Locals across the nation are delivering petitions to DOJ offices, telling Attorney General Holder to stop attempting to block the American Airlines-US Airways merger.

Following up on our petitions, local presidents have been contacting the Obama Administration’s Labor Liaison, seeking a meeting with Attorney General Holder and urging an end to the government intervention.

American Airlines, US Airways and the DOJ will be in court on Friday, to discuss the schedule for a trial.

The media coverage from the petition drive is rolling in. Here are links to some of the coverage:

Tulsa World: American Airlines workers petition Justice Department to allow merger

Fort Worth Star-Telegram: TWU members to deliver petition with 8,000 signatures to DOJ offices in Tulsa on Thursday

KRMG Talk Radio: Transport Workers Union delivers thousands of signatures to stop lawsuit