Think you are too young to plan for retirement? Think you waited too long? Don’t disregard this message yet. MetLife retirewise® Seminars start Thursday, April 23, 2009, and will run until Thursday, May 14. MetLife is offering an opportunity to Americanb Airlines employees to attend retirewise® seminars at no cost to AA, or to the employee (spouses are also welcome). These sessions offer information on more than just retirement including protecting wealth, retirement taxes, and estate planning. The Tulsa Base location for the 4week, 2hour course, will be Administration Building, Leadership Center #2, (A1E8). The dates for all four seminars are Thursday, April 23; Thursday, April 30; Thursday, May 7; and Thursday, May 14. Time for all four sessions will be from 1730 to 1930 (5:30 pm – 7:30 pm). For more information, and to enroll, visit the MetLife website at:, and enter “American Airlines,” or, phone 18775900985, Ext. 1704.