TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Mediation

Today at 11:30 a.m. the Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee Co-Chairman Local
567 President Larry Pike and ATD International Representative Don Videtich had a
conference call with NMB Mediator Jack Kane.
Mediator Kane advised us that he has designated two days for the Mechanic and Related
Committee and American Airlines Management to meet, April 28th and 29th, specific location TBD.

As a reminder, all the latest information and the full-text proposals for all contract articles are available for viewing on our negotiations website. We will update the website with the
information from the April session at the end of that session. Stay informed by visiting the
TWU Negotiation website at:

We are anticipating having additional meeting dates sometime in May, but no specific dates
have been confirmed by the Mediator.
The M&R Negotiating Committee appreciates your patience and support as we work toward
an agreement.

MR communications update 4-11-11 Full Post- PDF