National Letter Carriers food drive

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, the National Letter Carriers will be conducting their annual food drive. This Food Drive will take place in more than 10,000 cities and towns across America.
The drive is an effort to raise awareness about the real ongoing problem with hunger in our communities. The Letter Carriers have developed a system to make it easy on all of us to be a part of such a monumental task.

So how do you participate in this life changing event? First collect non-perishable food items from your pantry or purchase at your local grocery. Next, take those items and put them in a bag or box and place it by your mailbox before 9am. Your letter carrier will collect the food and it will be delivered to your local food bank for distribution. Simple as that.

In solidarity,

Tracy Hardin

Community Service Chair

Food Drive 2019 Posting in PDF