A Letter From President James C. Little


This is one of the most critical letters I have ever sent to you. It is now time for you to vote.

At the start of this bankruptcy case, a very labor unfriendly process indeed, I made two promises.

First, it was clear that the TWU strategy needed to be one of maintaining all possible options, since the results of a bankruptcy on workers are always negative. We did just that. We are working on possible mergers, litigating in court, and have worked hard at the bargaining tables trying to limit as much as possible the harsh concessions sought by the Company.

Second, I guaranteed that you would vote on the Company’s last offer before the judge rules. It is important for you to have the final say as to whether we are going to approve the Company’s last concessionary offer (April 2012) or accept the risk of the judge rejecting our contract resulting in us working under the 1113 terms filed in court (identified in the March 22 ask).

Both situations are concessionary and painful. But there are huge differences between these two outcomes. WHETHER YOU VOTE “YES” OR “NO,” IT IS MOST CRITICAL THAT YOU HAVE  ALL THE FACTS. Please review the enclosed materials, go online to review the full text changes and all the other posted information, and attend information sessions.

There are a few key points I want to highlight:

  • This vote has NOTHING to do with a possible US Airways merger; and even a YES vote will not prevent the possible US Airways merger. The issues are legally unrelated. This vote is only about what conditions we will work under at AA, as there is no certainty a merger will take place.
  • The bankruptcy judge DOES NOT decide what the terms of our contract will be. If he rejects our contract, we will have no contract. The judge does not pick and choose between the terms proposed by American or otherwise rewrite its proposal – he will either grant AA’s motion to reject or deny it.
  • Since large corporations almost always win 1113 cases according to past court decisions, it is important for us to vote now before the judge rules.

The decision to vote “yes” or “no” is yours alone and that is why we are not recommending any position. But, I do want you to review all the facts so you may cast an educated ballot.

This is your union. I await your directions.

James C. Little

Letter in PDF Format