Letter to AMR Board of Directors from TWU, APFA, and APA

TWU Joins with other Unions at American Airlines in Advertising Campaign Urging the AMR Board of Directors to Support a Merger with US Airways

The Transport Workers Union of America has joined with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants and the Airline Pilots Association on an open letter to the AMR Board of Directors in support of a merger with US Airways. The letter will be featured in full-page advertisements in the Friday, May 4 editions of The Dallas Morning News and Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Advertisements also will be run in business publications such as the Wall Street Journal.

The ad can be seen here.
TWU International President James C. Little said, “In our union we have tried to explore every option that would save jobs at American Airlines and keep the airline competitive. We think the AMR Board of Directors should do the same. US Airways has offered a very attractive proposal and the Board of Directors should consider it now.”