AA Bankruptcy and Individual Claims

Bobby Gless  Air Transport Division Deputy Director

Bobby Gless
Air Transport Division


A question was sent by Bobby Gless, TWU-ATD to Paul Kizel of Lowenstein Sandler LLP addressing Individual Claims.

Brothers & Sisters,


Some members filed individual claims for grievances (or other claims).

Some of those individual claims are on the docket for next week and AA is looking to deny those claims.

These should be duplicate claims to the ones the Locals also filed (if they are grievances), but we cannot be sure since they filed them individually. The risk is that if AA gets them denied then there is a risk in the future that AA may claim, that that claim has already been decided. Since the individuals filed the claim it will be up to them to handle what to do with them- but they should notify the court (in writing- per the notice they received in the mail) that they are opposed to denying the claim.



Bobby Gless
Transport Workers Union of America