AE – AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 30, 2012

American Eagle

The TWU Negotiating Committee’s have been meeting all week with American Eagle negotiators. Our separate work groups have prioritized their requests for important supporting documents from the company. Their analysis and review of Eagles cost outs depends on these documents. When received, the TWU Negotiators can begin to thoroughly scrutinize cost assumptions and review the business plan.

TWU economist John Donnelly worked with all the TWU groups to help explain Eagles business model. Many cost savings models are hard to understand because they are based on assumptions that the company calculates over time. The TWU Negotiating Committee’s continue drafting very specific questions regarding Eagle’s 1113 “ask” term sheet. The TWU did not pass any proposals to the company this week.

National Mediation Board mediator John Livingood will be available to meet with us next week. TWU Negotiators will reconvene at Flagship University on Monday April 2, to continue our pre 1113 negotiations with the company.