Base Maintenance Employee Survey from AA

In order to understand our progress and determine our success, we must measure ourselves. This is true in our work culture and our team relationships, just as much as in our production efforts. One of the best ways to measure our work culture and our team relationships is through the use of team member surveys. We periodically do this and are ready for our 2013 survey. We appreciate and will use all of the feedback to improve; however, the degree to which we are able to address individual concerns may vary.

The information will result in many actions and tasks. We will address those individually or as part of Focus Groups. There will be a leader responsible for handling the item for his/her business/segment, with an assigned completion date. Feedback on the progress of all actions and tasks will be given through weekly and monthly Business Reviews, Team Meetings, Leading Edge, and Daily Dispatch. We will measure progress with the Base Senior Leaders at a monthly review.

While I understand that there are those who are less than satisfied with our current collective bargaining agreement (CBA), I sincerely hope that we can focus our attention on those issues over which we have control and can modify in order to bring about improvement in our work culture and our team relationships.

Your input is completely confidential. All of your answers will be combined with the answers from other employees and shared at a high-level. No individual data will be shared. Your answers will help us identify where we have opportunities to strengthen our workplace. The survey will be open from May 21 through June 11.

Thank you for participating in our Base Maintenance Employee Survey. Your time and comments are sincerely appreciated.
As you read the following questions please respond using the options provided.


Here is the link to the survey: