Category: Bankruptcy

AMR Bankruptcy Update for May 30, 2012

The TWU Negotiating Committee met today at the Hurst Conference Center to prepare for court supervised mediation sessions in New York. The Maintenance and Related and Stores work groups rejected AA’s last offer on May 15th. The mediated bargaining session will be for these two work groups and begins at 10:00am on Monday June 11.…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for May 25, 2012

American Airlines From International Representative, D. Videtich The hearing on American’s motion to reject the TWU collective bargaining agreements for M&R and Stock Clerks concluded on Friday, May 25. View a letter from Don Videtich regarding 1113 Bankruptcy Negotiations A summary of the proceedings is outlined below: During the trial, lawyers and witnesses for the…

AE Bankruptcy Update

The TWU negotiating teams resumed negotiations with Eagle management on Tuesday, May 22. After receiving multiple documents from the Company, Fleet and M&R have slowed the document requests, but continue to evaluate the documents received. The Ground School Instructors and Dispatch groups continue to request documents and evaluate those received from the Company, in an…

The Bankruptcy Proof of Claim is NOT Due Until July 16, 2012

DO NOT PANIC! All employees at American Airlines and American Eagle reportedly received a Proof of Claim form. This is standard in most large bankruptcy cases. These claim forms may be used by employees who believe that AA or AE owes money for certain pre-petition claims (those that arose before November 29, 2011). If you…

AMR Bankruptcy Update From President James C. Little

Brothers and Sisters, No one ever said this would be easy. The bankruptcy process is complicated. Making matters worse, the bankruptcy laws are designed to protect assets and not people. In this letter, let me bring you up to date on our continuing efforts to fight back and protect all TWU members at American Airlines.…

AMR Authorized to Make New Aircraft Progress Payments

AMR Corp., the parent of American Airlines Inc., was given authority from the bankruptcy court last week to resume making predelivery payments for new aircraft to be made by Boeing Co. and Airbus SAS. To replace aging MD80s and B757s, AMR has orders for 290 aircraft from Boeing, along with options for 175 more. From…

Letter from Sam Cirri, 5-16-2012

Brothers and Sister TWU Members, As the LBO was to better the March 22 terms, we understand that AA implemented many concessions that were not acceptable.  At this point, I, for one, am proud of the turnout of our membership in participating in the voting process.  I would also like to add that, where some…

What’s Next?

AS TO THOSE UNITS THAT VOTED YES TO ACCEPT THE LAST OFFER: Q. When does the offer actually go into effect? A. First, the court has to ultimately approve the five agreements. This is certainly expected to happen, but there is no time set for this to occur. Second, TWU and AA have an understanding…

Jason Whitley’s Tweets from the Bankruptcy Court, 5-15-2012

12:40a UPDATE: The 5 TWU groups that accepted AA’s final offer still lose 2,900 jobs. Would have been worse. AA’s “final offer” offer saved 1,300. 12:30a A NEW DEAL? AA tells me it will still try reach “consensual agreements” with two TWU groups that rejected its “final offer.” Talks continue. 11:15a Lawrence Rosselot testifying now…