Category: Bankruptcy

The American Workplace

Hard working TWU members keep American Airlines and American Eagle operations going every day – rain or shine. In spite of AMR’s bankruptcy and the company’s latest filing to abrogate AA’s labor  contracts, TWU members continue to perform as airline professionals, doing their best for our passengers every day, 24-7. The TWU video, [youtube_video id=”3uF8g8nzwyM”]…

AMR Bankruptcy Updates for April 10, 2012

The TWU’s legal team is preparing for trial in New York. AMR “fast tracked” the bankruptcy process with their 1113(c) filing to abrogate our labor contracts. AMR’s motion included dumping over 6,500 documents and exhibits with the court filing. The documents spell out AMR’s alleged reason for seeking abrogation of all of our CBAs. TWU’s…

What Happens to My Employer’s Union Contract?

An employer’s bankruptcy filing does not immediately affect the status of its collective bargaining agreement with the Union.  All of the contract’s provisions continue to govern the debtor’s post-filing obligations to Union employees, including the applicable grievance procedures. Under section 1113 of the Bankruptcy Code, the bankruptcy court may authorize an employer to reject—and thus…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for April 4, 2012

The TWU Negotiating Committees reconvened this Monday and continued meeting with American Eagle company negotiators. Starting last week, TWU negotiators requested numerous documents from the company. The TWU negotiators received some of those important documents this week and are in the process of analyzing them. The Negotiating Committees have asked many questions of the company…

AMR – Court Update 4/4/2012

The section 1113 hearing in this proceeding shall commence on April 23, 2012. Except as otherwise agreed or as may be directed by the Court, the parties shall be prepared to proceed on the schedule set forth in the stipulation and order, some highlights are set forth below: Hearing: a. April 23, 2012: Opening Statements,…

Urgent: Call-in info for TWU Telephone Briefing, Tonight at 7 pm EDT

Brothers and Sisters: We hope you can join us tonight at 7 pm, Eastern Daylight Time, for an urgent TWU Telephone Briefing on the AMR bankruptcy, with International President James C. Little. If you have not yet registered for this important call, you can call-in on this number: 1-877-229-8493, passcode: 14154. If you’ve already registered…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for April 2, 2012

American Airlines The Company filed an 1113 (c) motion on March 27, 2012 seeking to reject all union contracts at AA , including the seven (7) TWU contracts. As part of the motion the carrier submitted its 1113 concessionary ask sheet outlining the changes it alleges it needs in each TWU contract. Those AA 1113…

AE – AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 30, 2012

American Eagle The TWU Negotiating Committee’s have been meeting all week with American Eagle negotiators. Our separate work groups have prioritized their requests for important supporting documents from the company. Their analysis and review of Eagles cost outs depends on these documents. When received, the TWU Negotiators can begin to thoroughly scrutinize cost assumptions and…