Category: Negotiations

Christmas letter

All, I’m not one to write long winded letters or make videos when I don’t have anything to report out so this is going to be short.    As soon as I get an email from the TWU International with a meeting date and time, I plan to send Jay Potter to DC. He will…

Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue

December 15, 2017 Association, AA Executive Session Negotiations Continue Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Dallas. All groups concentrated on internal discussions and deliberations in concert with the Association legal team on Scope language that will protect our work and jobs in the new…

Association Bulletin – December 8, 2017

Brothers and Sisters, The Executive Negotiating Committee met face to face with American Airlines this week in Washington, D.C. This session focused on Maintenance Control Technicians (MCT) and Maintenance Training Specialists (MTS) along with other Mechanic & Related and Stores language. Substantial progress was made in several non-economic articles. The constructive dialog and productive environment…