Category: Negotiations

Joint Negotiations Letter: TWU/IAM Association from Harry Lombardo and Sito Pantoja

Dear TWU-IAM Association Member, As the regular Joint Association bulletins report, your Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees are working hard to finalize joint contract proposals. In the meantime, TWU-IAM Joint Association Leadership is preparing a longer term strategy and formal rollout plan to initiate joint contract negotiations with American Airlines, ensuring we…

Fleet Service Negotiating Committee Update, Mechanic and Related to Meet Next Week

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Your TWU-IAM Fleet Service Negotiating Committee met this week in Dallas and continued reconciling both pre-merger collective bargaining agreements into one coherent, comprehensive joint contract proposal. This necessary process has been intensive, time consuming and requires extreme scrutiny so that no area is overlooked. The interpretation and understanding of both contracts…