Category: Negotiations

M&R Early Out letter – August 29, 2012

As most of you know we are looking at September 12, 2012 as the date our M&R and Stores agreements are approved by the court.  We have been waiting for the Company to finalize their ‘transition’ plan – so we can identify the actual timeline for the movement of work to TUL and DWH and…

Stores Early Out Letter from the ATD – August 29, 2012

As most of you know we are looking at September 12, 2012 as the date our M&R and Stores agreements are approved by the court.  We have been waiting for the Company to finalize their ‘transition’ plan – so we can identify the actual timeline for the movement of work to TUL and DWH and…

AA Bankruptcy Update

Court Update Today, the debtors (American Airlines) filed a motion seeking court approval and authorization of the recently ratified new collective bargaining agreements (CBA’s) with the TWU Mechanic & Related and Stores employee groups. The agreements reached, came about after an extensive proceeding under section 1113 of the Bankruptcy Code, a lot of hard work…

TWU Title III & IV Early Out window and revocation extension

As a result of Judge Lane’s decision to defer the APFA ruling until after the vote results on August 19, it has been decided that the Early Out window for TWU Title III (Fleet Service Clerks) and Title IV (Ground Service Employees) will be extended through Sunday, August 19th at 23:59 CST.  Additionally, the revocation letter window will…

AA M&R and Stores Membership Dear Brothers and Sisters – August 3, 2012

These are extraordinarily difficult and unprecedented times for TWU/AA members. Never before has organized labor on the property at American Airlines been in such a challenging position. We are currently facing the the threat of abrogation of our contract in bankruptcy court, as well as possible mergers, acquisition, or other corporate transactions involving the carrier.…

Just the Facts..

Last week an advertisement was posted in the Tulsa world urging Tulsa 514 members to vote against the tentative agreement which is before us now. The persons paying for this ad declined to identify themselves. The reasons for this are obvious — the ad is very misleading and parts are completely untrue, and it was…

Tentative Agreement Myths

  The Bankruptcy Judge can modify the Company’s “Ask” — which is the final proposal the Company made to the Union back in March before the hearings on its Section 1113 motion to reject our contract began – to make it fairer to the union. This is not accurate. The judge has one decision to…

Early Out Letter for Fleet Service – Employees interested in the SIS will be able to sign up starting July 23, 2012

This letter will confirm our understanding relative to the implementation of the Early Out Letter of agreement contained within the recently ratified AA/TWU Fleet Service agreement. As you know, in accordance with the “Me,too” provision, the Company cannot implement the new terms and conditions of the restructured agreement until such time consensual ratified agreements have…