Category: Negotiations

Bankruptcy Update for March 13, 2012

The TWU Negotiators met today at Flagship University amid a flurry of media rumors reporting a possible merger with U.S. Airways and American Airlines. There are no facts to substantiate these rumors. Last week AMR filed for a six month extension for its exclusive reorganization time limit which expires March 28. If the court agrees…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for March 7 – 9th, 2012

This week’s negotiations have shown some progress. On Wednesday AMR announced they would accept the TWU Negotiating Teams proposal to “freeze” existing defined benefit pension plans. This is a major move forward in these difficult negotiations, but remains subject to reaching consensual agreements with all TWU represented work groups. The TWU website has posted an…

Letter from Jim C. Little to the National Mediation Board

By Email and USPS Certified Mail Linda Puchala, Chairman Elizabeth Dougherty, Member Harry Hoglander, Member National Mediation Board 1301 K Street, N.W., Suite 205E Washington, D. C.  20005-7011 Re: American Airlines and Transport Workers Union of America AFL-CIO Seven Contract Groups Dear Chairman Puchala and Members Dougherty and Hoglander: I write on behalf of the…

Bankruptcy Update, March 2, 2012

TWU Negotiating Committee Update All title groups continued with the bankruptcy negotiations throughout this week. The goal is clear…mitigate the company’s TWU “ask” of over $390 million, including about 9,000 layoffs. Your Negotiating Team leaders analyze the documents, data and business plans. The various experts retained by TWU, assist them as we bargain at a…

Informational Picket, Tulsa International, 2-29-2012

UStream video: Click Here The Informational picket starts @ 11:00 and will run for 3 hours! Arrival, @ Tulsa International Airport.. Hello Brothers and Sisters, There will be an informational picket at the Tulsa International Airport, on Wednesday, the 29th of February. We need your participation. It will run from 11:00 AM till 2:00pm. This…

Good faith Bargaining?

This is the APFA Update for Feb. 28th… American Airlines continues to make its commitment to busting organized labor on its property crystal clear. Yesterday, the airline’s parent company revealed in its Statement of Financial Affairs an expenditure of nearly $400,000 to a firm that specializes in union busting. American Labor Relations Services, which according…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 27, 2012

NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE AMR SAYS NO TO EARLY OUT AS DESIGNED Late Friday AA presented its rationale for rejecting TWU’s proposal for an early out proposal. The Company asserts that the program as designed is too costly. However, AA indicated that it would still review such concepts during the entire 1113 process. An early out program…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 24, 2012

TWU Negotiating Committee This week TWU Negotiators started passing first round counter proposals to the company after hours of relentless study, some of it over the past two weekends. All seven work groups drafted proposals for their respective units, responding to AMRs ask of $390 million dollars in cost savings from TWU represented workers. The…

AMR Bankruptcy Update for February 8-10, 2012

This week the TWU Negotiating Team methodically scrutinized the company’s reorganization plan and spent much of each day analyzing company financial data and spread sheet comparisons. Individual work groups began drafting their questions for the company and presented some to them on Thursday afternoon. Others will follow into next week. The questions passed to AMR…

This Week @ Local 514

Negotiations Update: The information you received yesterday, 2-1-2012, was distributed to the media and published to AA web sites, yet it was not shared with the Negotiations Committee. Now that the negotiations committee has seen these proposals we know that they are asking for much more than they can justify. The numbers given out are…