Category: Negotiations


(Source: ATD Press Release Nov.9th 2010) On November 7&8, 2010 the TWU met with Allied Pilots Association (APA) and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) to discuss their respective negotiations with American Airlines and experiences with the National Mediation Board(NMB). We have very good relations with both unions and these type of meetings between…

Important Mechanic and Related Mediation Update 11-10-10

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee has a meeting scheduled with NMB Mediator Jack Kane next week Monday November 15, 2010 in Hurst Texas.  The meeting will entail debriefing Mediator Kane on the rejected tentative agreement, specifically the memberships reasons for rejection along with discussions on scheduling future bargaining sessions. We will update the membership…

Important Stores Mediation Update 11-10-10

The Stores Negotiating Committee has a meeting scheduled with NMB Mediator Jack Kane next week Tuesday November 16, 2010 in Hurst Texas.  The meeting will entail debriefing Mediator Kane on the rejected tentative agreement, specifically the memberships reasons for rejection along with discussions on scheduling future bargaining sessions. We will update the membership as soon…

President’s Report, 11-08-2010

Since I took office in August it has been a busy three months. We have voted on a Tentative Agreement where M&R and Stores failed 2 to 1 and Tech Specialists ratified their agreement. I have attended Negotiations meetings for M&R, Stores, and Fleet Service and believe that changes for the better in organization and…

TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Mediation Update

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee represents Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Overhaul Support Mechanics, Aircraft Cleaners, Parts Washers in Title I, also Plant Maintenance Mechanics, Plant Maintenance Man, Utility Man, Building Cleaners, Cabin Cleaners in Title II The TWU Maintenance and Related Negotiating committee reconvened in Hurst, Texas October 19th, 2010. The Maintenance and Related Committee…

Other TWU Negotiations

On Sept, 14 TWU Fleet Service Clerks at American Eagle rejected their tentative agreement. Of the ballots received Eighty Five percent voted NO! This is the second time the TWU Fleet Service  Clerks have rejected a tentative agreement at American Eagle which remains in mediated negotiations.

Maintenance Control Technicians Update

By Jason Best, MCT Chairman As most of you are now aware, we, in the Maintenance Control Technician group (formerly Technical Specialists), have voted on and passed our Tentative Agreement. The effective date was Aug. 26, 2010, retro to May 5, 2010. At this time our contract has some parts that go into effect immediately,…

TWU Mechanic & Related Contract Mediation Update 9-15-2010

The Mechanic and Related Negotiating Committee represents Aviation Maintenance Technicians, Overhaul Support Mechanics, Aircraft Cleaners, Parts Washers in Title I, also Plant Maintenance Mechanics, Plant Maintenance Man, Utility Man, Building Cleaners, Cabin Cleaners in Title II 1-888-4TWUUpdate 1-888-489-8873 The TWU Maintenance and Related Negotiating committee reconvened in Hurst, Texas September 14 – September 15,…


Two thirds of the ATD/TWU negotiating committee voted to bring the present tentative agreement back for membership consideration. Tulsa TWU membership spoke their feelings loud and clear, first by voting in new leaders on the local level (most of whom, including the new Local President Sam Cirri, opposed the agreement) and then by voting down…