Category: Negotiations

Memorial Day Off

Corresponence with AA this evening…. From: Erik Olund Dale and Rollie, Please see the attached letter. With your approval in reply to this email I will plan to distribute this tonight to our DWH and TUL employees, please let me know. Regards, Erik +++++++++++++++++ From Rollie: Erik, I am in agreement with the letter attached…

Allied Pilots Association: “We Stand With Our IAM and TWU Brothers and Sisters”

FORT WORTH, Texas (May 21, 2019) — On Monday, May 20, American Airlines management announced it had filed for a preliminary injunction against the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers and the Transport Workers Union of America. Allied Pilots Association President Captain Daniel F. Carey released the following prepared statement in response: “If American…


American management recently distributed incomplete and misleading negotiating documents to its employees. Don’t be fooled by their union-busting tactics. Click on the links below partitioned into sections for easier viewing to see the real state of negotiations between American Airlines and the TWU-IAM Association. Then tell the company to get back to the table and finish…

American Takes the Fight to the Floor – Association Bulletin May 3, 2019

Brothers and Sisters, American Airlines has made the determination to try changing the negotiations from the bargaining  table to directly bargaining in the break rooms, on the shop floor and on the ramp. Their direct appeal to TWU and IAM members represented by the Association is an end-around rarely seen by the most anti-union employers…