Category: Politics

Workers Memorial Day

Each year, more than 4,600 women and men die as a result or work related accidents and diseases In the United States. Workers suffer approximately 4 million occupational Injuries and illnesses each year. Worldwide we lose one worker every 15 seconds and in the United States approximately 12 to 15 workers die every day due…

Legislative Update

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AFL-CIO Analysis of President Donald Trump’s FY 2018 Budget

   AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka made the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s proposed budget:   “Working people in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin didn’t vote for a budget that slashes workforce training and fails to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. President Trump’s proposed budget attempts to balance the budget on the backs of…

Rogers County Democratic Party, Precinct Officer Elections

The Rogers County Democratic Party will hold precinct meetings March 9th, 2017. The meetings will start at 06:00 PM at the county Building 418 S. Brady on the Expo Fairgrounds in Claremore. Electing new PRECINCT OFFICERS is an important part of the Democratic party political process. All Democrats in Rogers County interested in becoming a…

This Week in Brief

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Congress is about to vote on an FAA bill that will put airline jobs at risk

  This legislation would extend FAA funding until September of next year. It includes poorly written security measures that could cause current airline employees to lose their jobs without making air transportation any safer. Lawmakers have added a number of security provisions to the bill in response to recent terrorist attacks overseas. Those attacks focused…