Category: President

Dale Dankers Posting to the membership.

Negotiation update

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TWU President John Samuelsen Letter to President Trump August 5, 2019

August 5, 2019 Donald J. Trump President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500   Dear Mr. President, I write on behalf of the 151,000 members of the Transport Workers Union of America, AFLCIO – including 60,000 aviation workers – to follow up on two previous letters about…

Rumor Control

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Memorial Day Off

Corresponence with AA this evening…. From: Erik Olund Dale and Rollie, Please see the attached letter. With your approval in reply to this email I will plan to distribute this tonight to our DWH and TUL employees, please let me know. Regards, Erik +++++++++++++++++ From Rollie: Erik, I am in agreement with the letter attached…