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Category: President
Dale Dankers Posting to the membership.
Message from Local 514 President, Dale Danker
All, It doesn’t matter if you’re registered as a Republican, Democrat or Independent please take or make opportunities to tell our elected representatives to fight to keep American jobs in America. Yesterday I had the opportunity to walk the Tulsa base with Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin. She was very approachable and easy to talk to.…
Response to misinformation being distributed at the Tulsa Base, September 15, 2017
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Message from Local 514 President, Dale Danker – September 3, 2017
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AA announces a 6th 737 Heavy Check here in Tulsa
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Sign Shop, Getting ready for the DFW Protest, 7-26-2017
Message from Local 514 President Dale Danker, July 21, 2017
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Letter of support for the DFW Protest from Chris Turner, President of Local 548
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Letter of Support from the Allied Pilots Association to John Samuelsen, TWU Intl President
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Letter from Local 514 President, Dale Danker – Informational Picketing
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