Category: Welfare

2022 Oklahoma Firefighters Burn Camp

The 2022 Oklahoma Firefighters Burn Camp was a fabulous success. There are so many people in so many different ways that help make camp so successful. We want to thank each and everyone of you. Camp is 5 days long with enough stuff happening to last double that. We want to thank everyone that works…

Burn Camp 2022 – August 3rd-7th

We will be accepting donations at the base. Please give as this event is very worthwhile. The following people will be taking donations: Robert Short, CAM Building Teresa McMillen: Turbine Building Herman Kohlmeyer: Hangars 1 & 2 Trenton Blackwood: Hangars 5 & 6 We will be taking collections until the 3rd of August. Kendal Anderson…

A Brother in Need

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CLUW Union T-Shirt Quilt Fundraiser

Greater Oklahoma City Chapter Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) 2022 UNION T-SHIRT QUILT FUNDRAISER 1 Ticket – $1.00 6 Tickets – $5.00 12 Tickets – $10.00 Tickets can be purchased via mail. Make check payable to CLUW and mail to: 3400 S. Western Avenue, OKC 73109 Drawing will be held at the Oklahoma State…

American Airlines Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Help isn’t just on the way — it’s here. The EAP is administered by Aetna, a subsidiary of CVS Health.All EAP calls are confidential, except as required by law. EAP instructors, educators and participating providers are independent contractors and are not agents of Aetna. Provider participation may change without notice. AA-Onsite Counseling Service Sheet Kristin…

2022 Field of Heroes Memorial Display

Event: In conjunction with Oklahoma Outreach Services (Gold Star Families), Tulsa Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 577, AARP of Oklahoma, Spirit AeroSystems Veterans Committee, United Aerospace Workers Local 952, Eagle Ops, BSA Troop 2222, numerous additional organizations and individual citizens who dedicate hundreds of volunteer hours and funds to present the “Field of Heroes” in…

Condolence and Support for The Andy Frye Family

“Hug Your Loved Ones Tonight” The name Andy Frye has been associated with Oklahoma Labor for over 30 years. Andy is a member of the United Steel Workers as the Rapid Respond Coordinator, a member the State AFL-CIO Executive Board, and a Dedicated Union Brother to all union members nationwide. On September 1 st .…