Local 514’s Digest for the week of November 10, 2023

Vice President:

Veteran’s Day is Saturday, November 11, 2023. I want to say “Thank you” to all who have served. Your sacrifices are much appreciated. You are the reason we are free to live the American Dream.

Thanksgiving is November 23, 2023. 

The base will not be working on any of the holidays except for some facilities, inspections, and MLS areas. Make sure you go into Work Brain to choose how you want to be coded for those days.

Joint Membership and Steward Meetings on Monday, November, 13.

Marla Johnson

Recording Secretary:

What is the story behind Veterans Day?

The first celebration using the term Veterans Day occurred in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1947. Raymond Weeks, a World War II veteran, organized “National Veterans Day,” which included a parade and other festivities to honor all veterans. The event was held on November 11, then designated Armistice Day.

Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day because it marked the one-year anniversary of the temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany during World War I. That armistice went into effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

 Thanks to those that have served and currently are serving in the military.

Remember Joint Membership Meetings will be held on November 13th @ 7:15 am , 11:45 am and 15:45 pm 

Terry Buck
Recording Secretary

Chairman of Maintenance:

Weekly Grievance Meetings and Communications Meetings

Monthly JSC with all of Tulsa directors and safety team


  • Phone systems inop ( issues with calling 911 and clearing areas for aircraft)
  • We are short on ERTs for the off shifts and weekends; if interested, please get in touch with Brent.anderson@aa.com 
  • Parking lot safety issues 
  • Facilities and the safety team are considering adding speed bumps and stop signs in the parking lot to help slow people down when coming to and from work.

Construction area detours and allowable walkways.  

  • Please follow all signs and detour signs


  • AAERO Tool & Die / Test Cell Bid Area Realignment bid sheet will be due no later than 1200 on Friday, Nov 17th 

Hangar 5/6 Turn styles closure

  • Beginning Nov 13th through Nov 22nd, three turnstiles east of hangar six will be inactive. Please plan alternate entry/exit routes.

Veterans Day November 11th 

We are truly grateful for all that you have done for us. Thank you for your service, God bless you, and Happy Veterans Day!

Joe Brown 

Chairman of Material Logistics Specialist:

  • We currently have 124 open grievances.
  • 480 MLS with 15 on LOA
  • If you know anyone wanting to be a MLS, please have them apply now. www.jobs.aa.com Click Careers and scroll down to Tech Ops & Maintenance. Job posting will be up till 11/10/23.
  • Holidays: The window is open to make your selection for Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving.
  • Job postings this weekend. (1) for 1,2 & 3, (3) for 5 & 6, (4) for Receiving, (5) for Issuing and (1) for Shipping. No job postings this weekend for TEO. 
  • Please get your training done.  Management will be issuing Coach & Discussions if not completed. After the first of the year, I’m being told they will be issuing Levels for overdue Training.
  • If you would like to donate money or a Bike for our Bike Drive, please give me, Don, or George a call.

B.J. Rackers 

Chairman of Facilities Maintenance:

It’s hard to believe, but it’s November already. Most of you are ready for colder temperatures and winter festivities. Personally, I prefer the summer. Whichever you prefer, with winter comes freezing temperatures, slick roads, and frozen pipes, and your FMG group is busy preparing the base for it. We are currently working on boilers, heaters, and fire systems, just to mention a few things, all while trying to maintain production without adequate headcount or time to do so. Let’s hope we have a mild winter, and wish us luck.

 Thank you to all of you veterans and those who currently serve.

As always, feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or concerns you may have.

Jim Holt

Executive Board Members at Large:

George Albano:

You can still enroll in union benefits until Friday, Nov 10th. 

Here is the link: https://www.twuaaunionbenefits.com

  • Click the link to schedule an appointment & they will call you.

Please consider donating to the Turkey Drive. Contact an officer for details.

COVID is on the rise.  The company requires a test from an official provider.  Home tests are not accepted.

George Albano

Tracy Hardin:

The AAERO department is getting very busy with a lot of opportunities to work on something new. This also includes the cleaner area that is trying to bring in new equipment for better workflow.

There are some areas that are experiencing COVID outbreaks. Please be mindful that if you are positive and have not received a negative test, don’t expose your co-workers.

The Thanksgiving Turkey drive is in full effect, so get your gobble up and donate.


Don McCormick:

We want to thank those who have served and currently are serving in the military.  We will be at the Veterans Day Parade in downtown Tulsa on Friday, November 10th.  If you would like to walk the parade route to honor those who have served, contact any officer for details.

HGR 5/6  

  • Continue meeting with management to discuss safety issues and upcoming items.  (Phone System being addressed with Safety)
  • Continue to meet with Mike Stearns on Grievances.
  • Continue to work grievances pre and post-contract throughout the base.

Community Service

  • Veterans Day Parade downtown Tulsa.  November 10th.
  • Operation Bikes for Kids – We are looking for donations to help achieve the charity goal of over 1200 bikes this year.   Local 514 is trying to achieve our goal of 100 bikes for kids in need. December 8th, we will be delivering them.

Welfare and Entertainment

  • Tulsa Oilers Hockey – Tickets available at the Union Offices on Pine Street M-F 7am-11am and 12pm-4pm

Tickets are also available at the Grievance office between hanger’s 3 & 4 upstairs.  Call X3213 to see if an officer is there.

  • TWU Adult Party –  November 18th.  Registration is closed due to our Fiduciary responsibility and the requirements put upon us by Hard Rock Casino.  We look forward to seeing those who have registered for the event.  

Those that haven’t registered, we look forward to seeing you at future events.


Daron Morgan:

I Continue to work grievances.  

Joe Brown and Myself met with the CRO leaders this week.  I presented 15 grievances for a Step 2 meeting, and they did not get resolved, so I will be working with the shop stewards involved and getting those prepared for the GRB (grievance review board).  Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov 21st.  I also had 8 other grievances to be discussed, but after talking to the shop steward and the CRO Leaders, I found out that those had been paid, so I was able to close them out and get them off of the books.  

It was an honor to be able to attend the Northeast Oklahoma Labor Council Meeting Banquet on Saturday, November 4th.  One of our own (Teresa McMillen) was awarded the Eagle Award.  If you know Teresa, please stop by and tell her Thank You!  She has volunteered countless hours on her own time to promote labor and our own Local 514!


I cannot say thank you enough for all that you do and have done!  Without our Veterans, we would not be able to enjoy our Freedoms that we have today!

Thinking of becoming a Shop Steward? 

Shop Steward elections will be held in January 2024.  You must be a member in good standings, and have 3 membership meetings.  We have a Joint Membership/SS meeting on Monday, November 13th, a Joint Membership/SS meeting on December 11th, and a Regular Membership meeting on Thursday Jan 25th.  There is plenty of time to get your meetings in if this is something that you may be interested in.   Hope to see everyone there!


Jay Potter:

Veterans Day

  • Thank you to all who have served. May you have a blessed day. 

Base Outsourcing Committee

  • Today, Nov 10, 2023, we have 23 aircraft at our 4 In-house Maintenance Bases (CTO, PIT, DWH, and TULE).
    • 7 of these aircraft are check aircraft (MBV or C11). 
  • The HMP vendors have 34 aircraft.
    • 30 of these aircraft are check aircraft (MBV, C11, or S).
  • If you have questions regarding Contractual Scope Language, you can reach me at (918) 845-8059 or jpotter@twumail.org.  I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Tulsa Aviation Maintenance Group (AMG) Headcount

November 10, 2023 January 23, 2020 VARIANCE
TCC68 TCC79 TCC-11
AMT2133 AMT2681 AMT-548
OSM410 OSM425 OSM-15
CL134 CL130 CL4


  • If you see the Survey/Negotiation stickers on base, use the QR Codes to input detailed ideas or take the survey.


  • The company currently has external postings for AMT and MLS positions in Tulsa.    

Hope everyone has a great day,


Local 514 Sister, Teresa McMillen Receives Eagle Award

Local 514 would like to congratulate one of our very own, on November 4, 2023. Teresa McMillen received the Eagle Award from the Northeastern Oklahoma Labor Council.

We want to say thank you, and we are proud to say you are a member of TWU514! (Posting HERE)

Tracy Hardin

American Airlines Anniversary

5 year anniversary

Alfonso Angulo —  Dept:257 – AMG

Hamilton Anoke —  Dept:223A – AMG

Howard Baker —  Dept:589O – AMG

Matthew Barnard —  Dept:223 – AMG

Danyel Bowlin —  Dept:259 – FMG

Cody Classen —  Dept:226 – AMG

Sean Collins —  Dept:815O – AMG

Raymond Daniels —  Dept:097C – AMG

Jennifer Dingler —  Dept:815O – AMG

Hayden Dobbs —  Dept:097C – AMG

Malachi Drenthe —  Dept:098C – AMG

James Eaton —  Dept:223 – AMG

E T Gibson —  Dept:259 – FMG

Cole Harris —  Dept:257 – AMG

Ethan Harris —  Dept:815O – AMG

Aaron Hollowell —  Dept:413C – AMG

Courtland Holmes —  Dept:413C – AMG

Tyler Ingram —  Dept:223 – AMG

Tracie Inman —  Dept:413C – AMG

Louis Ismael —  Dept:208O – AMG

Derry Jones —  Dept:097C – AMG

Jane Kipsang-Butler —  Dept:302O – AMG

Sandra Leon —  Dept:413C – AMG

Brandon Lewis —  Dept:257 – AMG

Dillon Martin —  Dept:226 – AMG

Braydon McKnight —  Dept:580O – AMG

Antonio Murray —  Dept:302O – AMG

Gideon Ndulaka —  Dept:223 – AMG

Mark Pula —  Dept:098C – AMG

Marcella Stanley —  Dept:413C – AMG

Lauren Switzer —  Dept:302O – AMG

Lena West —  Dept:097C – AMG

Bradley Hight —  Dept:031S – MLG

20 year anniversary

Darrell Strong —  Dept:815O – AMG

Lorie Peters —  Dept:032S – MLG

25 year anniversary

Jimmy Rogers —  Dept:815O – AMG

Kenneth Black —  Dept:032S – MLG

Carl Picking —  Dept:032S – MLG

David Polge —  Dept:022S – MLG

Joyce Roberts —  Dept:031S – MLG

Mark Starks —  Dept:025S – MLG

Timothy Taylor —  Dept:034S – MLG

30 year anniversary

Ben Brouse —  Dept:457 – AMG

Alan Cross —  Dept:226 – AMG

Jeff Dufault —  Dept:449 – AMG

Mark Fanning —  Dept:449 – AMG

Thair Truesdale —  Dept:302 – AMG

Larry Walls —  Dept:180I – AMG

35 year anniversary

Christopher Adamson —  Dept:817 – AMG

Billy Barr —  Dept:302 – AMG

James Bryant —  Dept:824 – AMG

Robert Carroll —  Dept:725 – AMG

Ronald Clark —  Dept:725 – AMG

Seyed Daee —  Dept:225A – AMG

Jeff Davis —  Dept:120I – AMG

Sterling Davis —  Dept:817 – AMG

James Fry —  Dept:457 – AMG

Brian Fullroth —  Dept:567T – AMG

Nathan Gaines —  Dept:457 – AMG

Daniel Hall —  Dept:223 – AMG

James Hamilton —  Dept:225 – AMG

Timothy Haslett —  Dept:284 – AMG

Hugh Hill —  Dept:95 – FMG

Joseph Hull —  Dept:223 – AMG

Arthur Hunt —  Dept:812M – AMG

Charles Iliff —  Dept:579M – AMG

Robert Jenkins —  Dept:449 – AMG

Glenn Kauffman —  Dept:817 – AMG

Keith Kettlewood —  Dept:567 – AMG

Terry Langbehn —  Dept:592 – AMG

Alan Larson —  Dept:817 – AMG

Steven Mallery —  Dept:226 – AMG

Gabriel Martinez —  Dept:725 – AMG

Jason Mootry —  Dept:567 – AMG

Charles Morey —  Dept:120I – AMG

Raymond Moye —  Dept:567 – AMG

Johnathan Musgrove —  Dept:725 – AMG

Edmund Navarro —  Dept:302 – AMG

Benjamin Pendergrass —  Dept:223 – AMG

Homer Phipps —  Dept:343W – AMG

Steven Poole —  Dept:457 – AMG

Timothy Richardson —  Dept:223 – AMG

Ronald Shively —  Dept:579M – AMG

Shawn Stetson —  Dept:921 – FMG

Thorsteinn Ulfarsson —  Dept:257A – AMG

Terry Williams —  Dept:725 – AMG

Bryan Wood —  Dept:817 – AMG

Clarence Pittman —  Dept:022S – MLG

40 year anniversary

William Witt —  Dept:130I – AMG

Tech Ops is hiring!

Now and over the next several months, we’re posting AMT and other Tech Ops positions in stations across the U.S. Job locations will vary depending on transfers and backfills, so we encourage candidates to check regularly for new opportunities and apply if interested.

Hiring is currently open.

Visit jobs.aa.com to view these and other Tech Ops positions currently available for external candidates.

How to bid or apply

Team members represented by the TWU-IAM Association may bid on available positions through transfer.aa.com. As outlined in the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA), represented positions are posted as transfer opportunities for qualified TWU-IAM Association-represented team members before hiring externally.Other American Airlines team members can apply via Jetnet by clicking the Team Member Services tab, then choosing Career from the drop-down menu.External candidates can apply by visiting jobs.aa.com

Have someone in mind?

Referrals for Tech Ops jobs are encouraged! After the candidate has applied, you may submit a referral to increase visibility to their application.To submit a referral for an AMT position, please fill out this form (https://forms.office.com/r/5WeL1btEhg).

To submit a referral for other Tech Ops roles Cleaners, Machinist, Welders, Facilities, MLS, etc., use this form (https://forms.office.com/r/D3RaQtizDV).

TWU Local 514 Planning Calendar for 2024 is Now Available HERE


Monday, November 13, 2023


  • 7:15 AM
  • 11:45 AM
  • 3:45 PM


  • TWU Hall
    11929 East Pine Street, Tulsa, OK 74116


Regular Order of Business